Albertas and Elena Adomenas Endowed Scholarship Fund for Stroke

Albertas and Elena Adomenas Endowed Scholarship Fund for Stroke

Grateful patients Albertas and Elena Adomenas established the Albertas and Elena Adomenas Endowed Scholarship Fund for Stroke with a gift from their estate in 2013. The scholarship is intended to support students interested in research and care of stroke patients — both Albertas and Elena experienced strokes toward the end of their lives. Their gift demonstrates their dedication to educating future health care leaders to advance research and treatment for stroke patients.

Albertas survived World War II as a refugee in Germany, where he met his wife, Elena. Together they emigrated to Chicago, where they married in 1950. Albertas spoke five languages and worked at Beltone Electronics until his retirement. As an endowment, this fund carries on the legacy of Albertas and Elena, who died 2008 and 2010, respectively.


To support students and trainees in neurology to attend conferences to present their research related to stroke.