Margaret Veeck Krehbiel Student Loan Fund

Margaret Veeck Krehbiel Student Loan Fund

The Margaret Veeck Krehbiel Student Loan Fund was established in memory of Mrs. Krehbiel after her passing in 1986 to support students enrolled in the Rush Medical College.

Mrs. Krehbiel was a dedicated volunteer at Rush and its predecessor institutions, Presbyterian Hospital and St. Luke’s Hospital. She first offered her assistance during World War II and continued to volunteer until her passing. Mrs. Krehbiel’s husband, the late John Krehbiel Sr., was a Trustee of Rush University Medical Center for 13 years.

The Krehbiel family continues to have a strong philanthropic and volunteer commitment to Rush with Fred A. Krehbiel serving as a Rush Trustee since 1984, and his wife Kay, serving on the Rush Woman’s Board since 1981. The Krebiel’s charitable legacy is visible throughout Rush ? there is an endowed professorship in cardiology in their name ? and hundreds of medical students have been the beneficiary of this fund.


To provide loans for students in the Rush Medical College.
